Saturday, November 28, 2009

Weekly Roundup - 11/22 - 11/29

Weekly Roundup is a weekly overview (or roundup) of interesting articles that have been posted in the magic blogosphere...other than the awesome ones posted here of course.


A Magic Journey -

I generally am only really a fan of the R & D and design articles that are posted on the official magic website but this article instantly took me back in time to the being a forth grader playing Magic on the playground during recess. I think this might actually be my favorite Magic article of all time. It hooked me in for the ride and was very well written.

Why Design Magic Cards? -

An interesting look at designing magic cards and the effects that custom cards have on various formats. I had never really thought beyond the effect a card would have on constructed. As someone who enjoys designing cards it makes sense to me that drafting would be the fairest way to introduce a new card to help mitigate balance issues. I highly recommend this article for anyone who is interested in R & D.

Secondary Market

Baneslayer Angel - The Perfect Storm -

I am not very into the secondary market. I don't really speculate much on cards in the new sets and I generally don't even buy a huge amount of singles other that when I am trying to build a tribal deck of some sort. I really only go as far as thinking about how much money I would need to spend to reacquire my playset of Cursed Scrolls and Sliver Queens that I sold off when my interest in Magic was waning when I was in high school. This article really sucked me in and got me thinking about all the factors that ultimately create high prices on chase rares, only to have the bottoms fall out on them once they go out of rotation in standard (unless the card is named Sliver Queen it seems...).


Derfington’s Corner: Playing with Fire – Jaya Ballard - I Got 99 Problems But a General Ain’t One

A great look at making a mono red EHD deck. The article explains and justifies the reason for the cards in deck and includes a link to a proper decklist at the end. I really prefer having a deck explained to me before I get caught up in looking at the list and trying to figuring out the reason for card choices on my own. Great read. Can't Recommend it myself.

The Sliver Hive - mtg deck source

I seems that I not the only one who came up with the idea of turning the new premium sliver deck into an EDH deck. Unfortunately, I am still working on my list as it will be the first EDH deck I have made in a very long time. Fortunately, mtg deck source does a good job of adapting the deck to EDH and chances are does a better job overall that I have so far. Expect to see my deck list on the subject in the coming week.

Other Formats

The Stack and Back -

A look at an interesting alternative format where players share a common deck. The mechanics of it reminded of a little bit of a simplified form of Mental Magic, a format I haven't played since tempest. I might give this one a try sometime and then keep the deck set aside for Mental Magic play as well.

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